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A Great Time to Attempt the Mysterious Sirius B

Discussion in 'Beginner's Corner' started by Orion25, Dec 6, 2019.

A Great Time to Attempt the Mysterious Sirius B

Started by Orion25 on Dec 6, 2019 at 6:18 AM

20 Replies 15442 Views 2 Likes

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  1. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Ed very cool reports and sketches of these 2 stars and the sun, (I am keeping Antares on my to do list for the next observation)

    I will try around 70x as in your report, good thing to know, this might save me some time, hoping for the best.

    That sun sketch in white light was really a unique show, there is a lot of sun activity in it! I don't remember seeing so many at once, a memorable observation of the sun I bet!

    Thanks for sharing these inspiring reports and sketches, I like them.
    Ed D likes this.

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