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Discussion in 'Astrophotography and Imaging' started by Avani Soares, Feb 18, 2019.


Started by Avani Soares on Feb 18, 2019 at 3:07 PM

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  1. Avani Soares

    Avani Soares Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2016
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    Two photos from the same region (see Oval BA at 1 am), with an interval of 9 months, perfectly attest to the great changes that have taken place on the planet.
    The equatorial zone (EZ) assumed a brown coloration, the North Temperate Band (NTB) practically disappeared and the South Tropical Zone (STrZ) widened considerably.
    In short, a planet with a fascinating dynamics that shows why it is my favorite target.
  2. Seer

    Seer Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2018
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    Johnstown, Pennsylvania USA
    I guess that gas would be included in fluid mechanics. I was just thinking "they" say there's no solid core and I guess that might be correct but at some point there probably is a transition from gas to liquid and then probably between liquid densities. Somewhere in there has to be a blob of molten rock and metal. How well are the lines understood? Do they all travel in the same direction? Is there a way to tell what each of the bands is comprised of?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
  3. Avani Soares

    Avani Soares Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2016
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    As faixas e zonas se movem em diferentes velocidades e até mesmo em diferentes sentidos, isso gera toda essa turbulência que podemos fotografar. Basicamente as faixas e zonas são compostas pelos mesmos elementos, o que faz variar sua cor e devido a que os limites entre as faixas e as zonas são coincidentes com picos ou depressões nos jatos atmosféricos leste-oeste. As zonas de cor clara, tem um jato atmosférico para o leste, no lado mais próximo ao pólo e outra para o oeste no lado mais próximo ao equador. Já para as faixas de cor escura, a situação é inversa. É possível que as zonas sejam aparentemente mais claras porque são cobertas de nuvens de alta altitude, compostas em grande parte de partículas de gelo. Estas nuvens são semelhantes às nuvens cirrus na atmosfera da Terra, porém as de Júpiter provavelmente contêm uma grande quantidade de gelo de amônia, e não de gelo de água. As faixas mais escuras também têm um nível superior de nuvens de gelo que estão em altitudes semelhantes, mas elas são muito mais finas e as partículas em si são bem mais escuras; estas nuvens contêm menos amônia.
    Seer likes this.
  4. Seer

    Seer Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2018
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    Johnstown, Pennsylvania USA
    That is very interesting. It is like water going down the drain on Earth in different direction for the northern and southern hemispheres. I didn't even think of clarity when it came to the bands. I am thinking the band might be caused by spheroidal centrifugal separation and that there would be northern and southern hemisphere companions. Can't they do some kind of spectrum analysis of each band to see exactly what they are?

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