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class="prefix prefixSilver">Discussion Scope Specific Sub Forums????

Discussion in 'AstronomyConnect Feedback and Suggestions' started by mtsheron, Sep 23, 2015.

Scope Specific Sub Forums????

Started by mtsheron on Sep 23, 2015 at 5:50 AM

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  1. mtsheron

    mtsheron New Member

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Any way to begin scope specific sub forums for like Celestron, Meade, Questar, etc.?

    This way folks who use these particular scopes can go direct to their specific brand and maybe even subs inside those for the likes of Cats; Refractors; Dobs; etc.

    Just a thought to ponder.
  2. george

    george Developer

    Sep 10, 2014
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    Los Angeles, CA
    @mtsheron thanks for the feedback. At this time we currently don't have the traffic or post count to to justify creating new forums but as the site grows we will create new forums as needed.

    But be that as it may we are looking to keep the forums and sub forums low and utilize other features such as tagging and title prefixes to better organize and filter content within a forum. The main reason we are looking to limit specialized forums because it tends to split up the community and make if harder to find and contribute on topics.

    The other way content will be discoverable is through the item database itself. We are currently developing ways to have discussions about a particular item display on the product page itself.
    Crow Haven and Auriga like this.
  3. larrygeary

    larrygeary Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Maybe it would help if you did a "How to post" thread, maybe in the New Member forum, and pin it at the top. I'm sure most of us aren't used to whatever new features you've implemented and just won't use them out of habit - unless you show us how. Illustrate the way you would ideally like to see the system work with a series of posts.

    On the subject of telescope-specific forums, two things: 1) Allowing people to self-segregate goes against the idea of having a community. 2) There are probably enough of them already. I moderate the Questar group on Yahoo Groups, and there is a Facebook group, and a forum on Cloudy Nights. Unless discussion of one specific telescope begins to dominate the community, I don't see the need right now.
    george likes this.
  4. StaringAtStars

    StaringAtStars Administrator

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Los Angeles, CA

    1.) We are working on some How To tutorials in written and video format. Those will be available fairly soon.

    2.) We plan to make sorting and searching through posts for specific gear and brands easier. It is not set in stone, but if we do decide to start dividing the current forums into more specific forums it will likely not be into brands. That's a lot of clicking to get to information that should be easily searchable and doesn't necessarily warrant its' own forum. All of these features will be explained and introduced in time.

    You brought up some great points. Please feel free to add to this or suggest more.

    Thanks for the feedback!

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