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How To Create a New Thread and Reply

Discussion in 'Community Rules and Information' started by StaringAtStars, Feb 9, 2016.

How To Create a New Thread and Reply

Started by StaringAtStars on Feb 9, 2016 at 12:26 PM

1 Replies 3762 Views 0 Likes

Reply to Thread Post New Thread
  1. StaringAtStars

    StaringAtStars Administrator

    Jan 26, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Los Angeles, CA
    Threads are topic discussions and a great way to interact with other members. Starting a new thread is very easy and detailed below.

    Create a New Thread
    1. Find and click the relevant forum for your new thread. For example if you are new and would like to introduce yourself it will go inside the New Members Introduce Yourself forum.Your post may be moved if it is in the wrong forum or removed if it breaks any rules.
    2. Find the "Post New Thread" button located on the top right corner of forums you are allowed to post in. Click the button and you will be taken to a form to create your new thread.
      If there is no option to post it may require permissions you do not have or you are not logged in.


    3. Fill in the form with the minimum of a Title, which should pertain to the point of the new topic, and a Message, which will go into detail and begin the discussion of the new topic. You may optionally add photos, links, attachments, and polls to enhance your discussion. Once you are satisfied with your draft, you may submit the topic.
      Some of the these options may not be available to you in all forums.


    Replies allow members to participate and continue discussions on existing threads. Replying is as easy as creating a new thread. Quoting posts allows other members to see that you are directly speaking to or referencing to a post within the thread and not just the post prior to yours or the original post.

    Reply to a Thread
    1. At the bottom of each thread discussion is a box to write a reply and continue the discussion. You may optionally add photos, links, attachments, and polls to enhance your discussion.
    Reply with Quote(s)
    1. The top right of each individual post has an option to "Reply". Clicking the "Reply" will create a quote in your reply box at the bottom of the page. Be sure to write your reply outside of the
      bbcode tags. If you write inside the tags it will be hard to discern your reply from the original quote. Quoting any post may result in alerting that poster that you've replied to them (this option to be alerted may be turned off in their account settings). You may reply to multiple posts within each message you create.
      Option to reply is only available to logged in members.


    Reply with Multiple Quotes
    1. The top right of each individual post has an option to "Quote+". Clicking "Quote+" will add that post to a list of quotes on that topic.
    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the thread to your message box. Click the option to "Insert Quotes..." found at the bottom of the thread.


    3. You may rearrange or remove the quotes before inserting them into your post. Click "Quote These Messages" to insert all the messages you've quoted.
  2. StaringAtStars

    StaringAtStars Administrator

    Jan 26, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Los Angeles, CA
    Adding an Image from a URL
    1. If you are creating a new Thread or Reply and would like to add images simply click the image icon Untitled-5.jpg on the toolbar above the text area.


    2. Enter the URL of the image

      Create Thread   AstronomyConnect-5.png

    3. Insert the image and you'll see the full size image in your post now.

    Uploading an Image
    1. If you are creating a new Thread or Reply and would like to add images simply click the Upload File button upload.png at the bottom of your text box.

    2. There are two ways to upload a photo.
      1. Select the image you'd like to upload. (Note: We have restrictions on resolution and file size, so the image may not upload if it's too large. Consider downsizing your image(s) before uploading anything. Please see bottom of this post for restrictions.)
      2. Simply drag the photo(s) from your desktop to the reply box. Images should automatically upload. If this does not work please revert to method 1 above.

      How to Introduce Yourself   AstronomyConnect-1.png

    3. Once you've uploaded the image you will need to insert the uploaded images in the post. Go to the image you'd like to insert in your post and click thumbnail (for small image) or Full Image. You may insert all your images at once by going to "Insert every Image as a..." Thumbnail or Full Image.

      How to Introduce Yourself   AstronomyConnect-3.png

    How to add Videos to Your Post?
    1. You may post the url to the video you're trying to share. There is an automatic parser that will turn your link into a playable video for any of the following sites:
      1. Dailymotion
      2. Facebook
      3. Liveleak
      4. Metacafe
      5. Vimeo
      6. YouTube

    2. If you the parse does not work, your video host is not listed above, or you wish to manually insert the code.
      1. Click the media button media.png located at the top of your text box/reply box.

      2. Insert the link to the video there and it will embed the video in your post. You will see MEDIA tags within your post now. The MEDIA tags indicate where you video will show within your post.

      3. Submit or preview and your video should be playable.

    How to Upload to the Media Gallery?
    Visit this link for a guide on upload media to the gallery.​

    What are the Attachment Limits?
    • Max File Size: 2 MB
    • Max Dimensions: 1000 x 1000 (Images that are over will automatically be resized)
    • Maximum Attachments Per Post: 10
    • Allowed Image File Extensions: zip, txt, pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2016

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