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Starbase 'Orthoscopic Plossls' Revisited

Discussion in 'Eyepieces, Barlows, and Filters' started by Mak the Night, Dec 24, 2021.

Starbase 'Orthoscopic Plossls' Revisited

Started by Mak the Night on Dec 24, 2021 at 3:28 AM

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  1. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    The Starbase O/PL’s were originally acquired for my 102mm Sky-Watcher SkyMax MCT. Its focal ratio of f/12.7 should ameliorate any aberration problems that were noticed in the faster 72ED. The initial rationale behind buying these eyepieces was that they were relatively light in weight, ergonomic (I like volcano tops), and had good build quality. The whole SkyMax grab and go kit needed to be light and portable and fit into a small holdall-type bag. I’ve owned the 102mm StarMax for a long time and tend to predominantly use it as a lunar grab and go scope.


    The 20mm Starbase gave me a nice view of Saturn and Jupiter at 65x. It was when I started using the 14mm it started getting interesting. Although I did notice the undercut snagging occasionally when swapping eyepieces. The three screws of the Baader helical compression ring can often be a little finicky with barrel undercuts. The 14mm O/PL gave a fairly sharp 92.8x. The seeing was above average, but not as good as the previous night.


    Jupiter’s GRS was just noticeable near the western limb and would be about central at transit (03:20 British Summer Time). Ganymede, Callisto, and Io were close together on the western side of the planet with Europa on the opposite side. I could perceive colour in the moons and discern some Jovian surface detail. As the planet rotated the GRS became more easily visible.


    I decided it was time for the 9mm ‘Orthoscopic Plossl’. At 144x I lost a lot of acuity and furthermore there appeared to be quite noticeable ghosting. Jupiter is very bright at the moment though with a visual magnitude of -2.8. Inevitably I switched back to the 14mm and even the Orion zoom for a while. I still couldn’t manage much above 100x though. Saturn fared better with the 9mm but even then I didn’t think it was as sharp as it could have been. This was probably more to do with conditions than anything else. When Jupiter reached transit I still wasn’t satisfied with the 9mm although around an hour later I had a much sharper view at 144x


    In a later outing I decided to have a dedicated lunar session with the 102mm SkyMax and the Starbase Plossls. The Moon was high and conditions were good. I have to say I was not overly impressed with their performance. The 9mm exhibited so much ghosting I seriously considered contacting Yvette Fielding and the team at ‘Most Haunted’. Even the usually reliable 6mm had some slight but quite noticeable ghosting and they all had serious scatter issues. I can only attribute this to the Kubota Optical Corporation single coatings.


    In a direct comparison with some equivalent focal length generic Chinese Plossls and the Orion 7~21mm zoom the inexpensive Plossls displayed excellent results, as did the Orion zoom. Perhaps the Starbase eyepieces would perform better in a slow refractor. I think that they can be very good for deep sky or splitting doubles, but for dedicated lunar viewing they are an epic fail.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2021
    Nebula likes this.
  2. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Now with smoothies.

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  3. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Even with smoothies they're still a fail.
  4. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    These Starbase orthoscopic look very good and well made, sad that they are not that good with faster telescopes. Last summer I tried the zoom Celestron again on a C8 Nextstar and I was impressed by the system.
  5. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    They make pretty good paperweights. TBH a set of twenty quid generic Chinese Plossls would totally outclass them. There are some astro things that I regret buying, not many though. I don't regret buying my Luminos EP's as they work well in my refractors. I don't regret buying the Tak' prism even though the twistlock is picky and the housing looks like it came out of a Christmas cracker. I don't regret buying the Pentax XF zoom as it is great for daylight as you can't see the false colour. I don't even regret buying the 9.25" Evolution, even though it rarely gets out.

    The bollocks Starbase are four things I do regret.
    Nebula likes this.
  6. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    pretty good paperweights.

    It's terrible how bad they are, even the Svbony would outclass them? they are pretty poor these Starbase.. gee . I had a couple of good experiences with the Luminos also but with a fact F4.7 10" Newtonian, they were not that bad those I tried even with the fast telescope.

    The pentax zoom I guess it's premium! You are an expert at this with all the gear you try all the time, it's a shame that I buy so little material nowadays... it would be fun to discuss these things. Well I will get the 82a eventually!

    9.25" evolution that is your SCT telescope?

    I saw your thread on SGL about the Starbase EPS, looks like a good discussion there. Your Avatar with the gray aliens, some say these are humans from earth in the future.

    Did you see the interview with the alien in year 1964 ? If it's fake it's as cool as watching the first Matrix. It's there on bitchute with key phrase: ALIEN INTERVIEW- THE BLUEBOOK FILES (1964)


    They make pretty good paperweights. TBH a set of twenty quid generic Chinese Plossls would totally outclass them. There are some astro things that I regret buying, not many though. I don't regret buying my Luminos EP's as they work well in my refractors. I don't regret buying the Tak' prism even though the twistlock is picky and the housing looks like it came out of a Christmas cracker. I don't regret buying the Pentax XF zoom as it is great for daylight as you can't see the false colour. I don't even regret buying the 9.25" Evolution, even though it rarely gets out.

    The bollocks Starbase are four things I do regret.
    PXR-5 likes this.
  7. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    The Luminos are not so good in reflectors, but do work quite reasonably in fast refractors. The Pentax XF is expensive but its main problem is chronic chromatic aberration for nocturnal viewing.

    It was designed for a Pentax spotting scope. It's perfectly good for daylight viewing. Yes, the Evolution is my SCT.

    It's not a small scope. When my health and the weather improve I may get it out. It's still touch and go whether I have to be hospitalised or not. I'll know more next week. I don't want to talk about SGL. The wanker 'Stu' has been calling me a liar for seven years now and hiding behind moderator privileges. I won't use SGL or FLO ever again. Although I'm not the only person he's upset, admittedly. I hope he gets terminal cancer or gets run over by a large lorry. Or both. I'm not sure about the greys, but if they want to abduct Stu and give him the anal probe (a lot) they get my vote.
    Nebula likes this.
  8. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    First time I actually see an image of the Pentax Zoom. 19.5 to 6.9, that spotting scope EP would be useful with the RLT for planetary. Interesting range, perfectly usable on each end.

    Do you have the electronic mount NexStar evolution type that usually go with it? Looks like a heavy weight mount from the website. it must be a good telescope for the moon and the planets especially.

    What do they want to do to you in the hospital? I really hope that you health can improve so you can use this beautiful 9.5" soon. Currently you have trouble with a arm and the heart issue it's newer right? Is it a post vaccination coincidence?
  9. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Can't go back to SGL either, the same evil mob is ruling there still today... it's sad because it contains good people along also. Sorry for you being perceived as a liar, unfriendly.
    Mak the Night likes this.
  10. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    The Pentax XF isn't suitable for any nocturnal viewing.


    I suffer from a condition that produces erratically high blood pressure. I also have a very powerful heart. A few years ago, after the initial two strokes, they stabilised my erratic blood pressure in a specialised neuro hospital. I spent three months learning to walk and talk again there. My BP is now spiking erratically again which occasionally caused me to bleed profusely from everywhere for up to two hours. This bleeding has finally been stopped and contained with much stronger medication. My blood pressure is still intermittently spiking. So my doctors are trying different dosages of the new medication to gauge their effect. They say that it could take up to a fortnight for the dosage to reach efficacy each time it is changed. If I have too many prolonged spikes over 200 mmhg systolic I might be better off in a hospital. I'll know Thursday with the present level. I've never been vaccinated for Covid. If I get Covid I hope it bloody kills me. It would be a relief.
  11. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Ok oK i see why it would be required to go to the hospital yeah. At least you have a powerful heart and it takes time to adjust to the medication. Wise choice not to spend too much time on SGL LOL to keep your Systolic lower.

    I guess it will take some time to adjust, hopefully you will skip the hospital.

    The Covid, you might have 99% chances of surviving it. :D
  12. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    My 'powerful' heart is part of the problem. Although healthy it is responsible in part for the high BP. Covid is the least of my worries lol.
  13. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Looks like a special condition, how is it today, has it improved?
  14. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    It appears to be slowly stabilising.
  15. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Maybe not ...
  16. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    Yeah it's variable like the atmosphere.

    I have nothing useful to say, but I'll say keep up the courage, probably a small trip to the hospital will help you re-stabilize.
  17. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Probably. I don't like the food there.
  18. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Thursday's looking promising. If I'm not in hospital I may have a lunar session with one of my smaller Mak's.
    Nebula likes this.
  19. Nebula

    Nebula Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2016
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    @Mak the Night ahh well if you go to the hospital do you have a device to access the internet from there? At least you could access this forum.

    I hope that you will skip the boring food and look at the moon instead, yeah! it's been a while since my last moon sketch, I kind of miss the moon a little bit, perfect target to test the 82a as well. I suspect that I'll order the 80a Lumicon soon, when it's available again.

    I wrote to Agena about the issue we talked about regarding the filter, we shall see next week.

    The smaller Mak is it your favorite telescope for the moon?
  20. Mak the Night

    Mak the Night Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2016
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    It's unlikely I'll have internet access in the hospital. The smaller Mak's just easier to set-up. I'm not that steady on my feet since the medication was increased.
    Nebula likes this.

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