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Venus 05/28/2023

Discussion in 'Astrophotography and Imaging' started by Ed D, May 29, 2023.

Venus 05/28/2023

Started by Ed D on May 29, 2023 at 6:30 AM

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  1. Ed D

    Ed D Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Sunny South Florida
    Last night turned out to be clear and beautiful, a welcome break from the recent onslaught of storms. Conditions appeared perfect for imaging Venus, so I set up my 6" Mak. I needed to align the laser pointer so I targeted the moon. The image on the laptop screen was really nice, so I decided to do a casual capture, just for the fun of it, no IR/UV cut filter.

    2023 05-28 Moon final.jpg
    Moon shot 05/28/2023

    Now for the serious work. I carefully aligned the planet on my screen and did captures in both Violet and IR 850nm. I made sure all the capture settings where as I wanted, the tracking near perfect, etc. Several captures later I had a wealth of data and finished up on Venus.

    Just for the heck of it, I spotted Mars and decided to do a casual capture just to see what would turn up.

    2023 05-28 Mars final.jpg
    Mars 05/28/2023

    Not bad for such a late image of this tiny planet.

    So, I'm sure you're wondering where the heck these beautiful images of Venus are. After many attempts at processing I trashed them. They were that horrible.

    Glad I took the casual images of the moon and Mars, or else I would have come up empty handed.

    Ed D
    Orion25 likes this.
  2. Orion25

    Orion25 Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Exquisite moon shot. Is that Copernicus front and center? Wait, those are the Apennines...must be Eratosthenes, and Copernicus in the shadow. And Mars - you're still able to get detail? Bravo! I am very curious about your Venus now :D
  3. Ed D

    Ed D Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    Sunny South Florida
    Hi Reggie, hope all is well. You are correct about the lunar craters. Had I used an UV/IR Cut filter the lunar detail could have been sharper and more contrasty. When I pointed the scope at Mars and looked at the laptop screen I was certain I would get more than an orange blob. It actually turned out pretty well, considering how late in the apparition it is.

    Venus has been a big disappointment. I know how to image planets, but I'm just not getting the results. I'm going to keep trying as time permits.
    Orion25 likes this.

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