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Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars (by David Chandler)

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Brand David Chandler Company
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Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars was written to be a companion handbook for The Night Sky Planisphere, serving as a general introduction to observational astronomy. It covers both what can be seen in the sky and the significance of what is seen. Although it was not written explicitly for children, it received honorable mention in the New York Academy of Sciences Children's Science Book Awards (older children's division). It is beautifully illustrated with specially commissioned artwork by Don Davis, one of the leading space artists today. Besides being a starter book for beginners, it is used in a number of colleges as a textbook supplement for the first-week's reading assignment!

From the creator of what I consider to be the best planisphere available (The Night Sky), comes Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars, a companion to that star dial. Taken together, the two items - plus a pair of binoculars - constitute the best introduction to observational astronomy you could ask for." - Astronomy Magazine

The Illustrations Are as Important as the Text

The artwork of Don Davis, commissioned especially for this book, is not just an attempt to "approximate" photography. it represents what is seen to the eye better than any photograph. Shown here is the subtle glow of the "North American Nebula" approximating very well what is actually seen in binoculars. This is one of the most challenging objects presented in the book, but a very satisfying object to see with ones own eyes. Photographs show this to be a spectacular nebula, but they can mislead a visual observer, especially a beginner. What can be perceived visually are subtle "variations in the blackness."


4.0 (Based on 1 Reviews) 100% of reviewers recommended this product.
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    1. Dr. Ski

      Dr. Ski Well-Known Member

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      User Notes:
      Review by Dr. Ski of Obscure Philippine Island.
      Sep 25, 2015

      4.0 Good primer for budding astronomers


      Works Well With Glasses



      I always invite neighbors to my stargazing sessions here in the jungle. I bought this book for them to pass around with the hope of nurturing their appreciation of the Cosmos. They eat it up! It's basic, but very interesting.
      Precipitated more interest and questions from them. Which is fine with me!

      Bottom Line: Would you recommend this item? Yes
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      This review was provided courtesy of AgenaAstro.com

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